Short description about my involvement in Ciao ! a Microsoft company
Project name :
Ciao ! - a Microsoft company
Company :
Date :
07/2006 - 08/2010
Role :
Software Engineer Developer
Skils :
PHP, .Net, C#, MySQL, PostgreSql, Sybase, MsSQL, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, Json, Mod Rewrite, Shell scripts, IIS, XML, XPath, Scrum, CVS, SVN, Source Depot, Unit Tests, JIRA, CSS, MVC, Apache, Internal frameworks

In 2006 I started working for Ciao! GmbH as a Software Engineer Developer in Wrocław office. Shortly after that Microsoft took over Ciao company and I have become a Microsoft employee.

Ciao was one of the leading European providers of comparison shopping and consumer review portals. It provides consumers in seven countries and languages with detailed information and comparison pricing for over 4 million products. More than 5 million product reviews are available online. As a Ciao employee I was involved in many leading projects alike frontend and backend.

As a Microsoft employee I attended in projects related to Bing search engine, e-commerce extension for Internet Explorer and mobile version of Ciao website in C#


  • Implementation of the quick review module
  • Work on video reviews
  • Predictable search
  • Advertising management system
  • SEO and SEM improvements
  • Cache management system
  • Top 10 products module and page part
  • Many improvements for internal systems
  • Members dashboard improvements

ACTIVITIES ( Microsoft ):

  • Ciao web page for portable devices
  • E-commerce data delivering for Bing search engine
  • E-commerce extension for Internet Explorer (Add- ons)